Wednesday, April 19, 2006

no boat - but lots of fun :-)
about to tackle the last rapid...
... just seconds later :-)
about to go down...
flipping is fun!
the quiet before the next rapid
going down a waterfall
getting soaked
paddling hard
Getting ready to rock...
The second boat...
Now to rafting :-) We were split up in two groups (for no apparent reason), so this is the first group/boat with our Italian guide Lorenzo
Us with Dan (very left) and very fashionable sun glasses in a matatu
Chilling at the Red Chilli
We returned from our second Kampala trip yesterday, and we got loads of photos... So this is gonna be a huge update for this blog :-) We'll start with a nice group photo at the Yei airstrip (left2right: Liz, Lance, Jen, Mike, Kaye, Maryke, Marianne)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Mike in the office
Since some people asked for pictures of us working - voila!